Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Link - Shovevim Around The Corner

I agree with the article. But the explanation is as follows [in my humble opinion]: Harassment is against the harassed party's will while adultery is consensual [generally, the spouse who is being cheated on doesn't consent but that is a minor, insignificant detail:-)]. In our world [according to many on the left] - there is no absolute right and wrong or objective morality. The only rule is not to hurt anybody else. Once G-d is out of the picture, then you get to make up your own rules. So Bill Clinton, who cheated on his wife countless times, both before and during his presidency, is a hero. He can command hundreds of thousands dollars for a speech. What do you want from the guy? He was just having a good time. 

During the Democratic national convention, he got onstage and told the story of how he met Hillary. Basically, he saw her, was instantly attracted and decided at that moment that he was going to get her [I don't want to be vulgar but it is clear where he wanted to get her]. Eventually - he was successful. The problem is that the seeing and being attracted and then pursuing the woman happened to Bill many times afterward as well. Hillary didn't plan that out. 

Anyway - next week we start Shovevim, the six week period where we place an emphasis on working on inyanei kedusha. So since we live in such a crude and crass world - this is the BEST time to swim against  the tide and strengthen ourselves in shmiras einayim and shmiras hamachshava. Besides the value of reaching higher levels of kedusha, it also accentuates our being different from all of the nations.  

They don't get it. We do.