Sunday, February 25, 2018

From Western Values To Self Creation

We are WESTERNERS. This means that our minds and psyches are influenced by western values and ideals with all that entails - for better and for worse.

One aspect of the western value system is ACCOMPLISHMENTS. We measure others by how much they have accomplished. What schools did he attend? What was his GPA? Was he on any teams? What was his scoring average? How much money does he make? What company does he work for? Who is his wife? Is she ACCOMPLISHED? Is she pretty and put together? HOW MANY children do they have [numbers...]? Who is his father in-law? Is he "successful" [i.e. does he make a lot of money?].Who does he know? Is he "well connected"?  In Hebrew the word is " הישגיות" - How much he was משיג - achievement and accomplishment. 

Our society is also very competitive. The more you have accomplished vis-à-vis others, the more your are considered a success. 

This also carries over into ruchniyus. Has he gone through shas? How many times? With how much depth? How much tzedaka does he give? Does he go to shiurim? Does he give shiurim? The list goes on and on....

It goes without saying that part of our job in this world is to achieve and accomplish. It is great to earn a nice living, to have a comfortable house, a great wife and kids, a good job, to do lots of mitzvos, to go to shiurim etc. etc.

BUT - and this is a big "but" - that is not the end all. The more basic fundamental question is WHAT TYPE OF PERSON ARE YOU? What is you essence? Are you kind [not only do you perform acts of kindness - מה הוא רחום וחנון]? Are you sensitive, empathetic, warm and loving? How do you deal with stress? How deep is your belief in Hashem? What are your core ideals? How do you deal with people who think differently? The issue of our core being is in many ways more important than ANYTHING we will ever accomplish.

There is NO ROOM for comparison and competitiveness. It is not about WINNING. It is about becoming as G-dly, pure and holy as you possibly an under YOUR unique circumstances.

So of course part of the avodah is to learn a lot of Torah and do a lot of mitzvos but the key is the quality and how it affects you and those around you.      

After 120 you return your soul to Hashem and the more internal a person you were here, the more pure and elevated that soul will be. It is with this soul that you will spend the rest of forever.