Monday, February 19, 2018

Real Friends

"We live in an age of communication without connection." 

I don't have a Facebook page. I don't even know how to upload pictures or even use an smartphone. I am not interested. I have had 46 very good years without these things and all of the צרות that  I have had over the years were completely unrelated to my lack of Facebook or smartphone. I am not a member of any whatsapp group.  I only have a simple kosher cell phone because my mother insists that I have one. It doesn't even have texting which is fine because I don't know how to text. 

Nor am I interested in learning [how to text. I am quite interested in learning other things:-)]. 

Life is very good and I have no complaints. The problems I have won't be solved if I become more technologically savvy. 

I don't even know how to drive. I took a few lessons when I was 19 and it was fun but I never found it important enough to continue.

So one thing is for sure - I won't get fined for texting while driving. 

Anyway, I constantly get messages in my email inbox saying [it talks to me in Hebrew] אלחנן יש לך הרבה יותר חברים ממה שחשבת - "Elchonon, you have many more friends than you thought". 

I am mamesh mamesh כופר בכל. Nonsense. לא היו דברים מעולם. I would LOVE to have more friends. As Dovid Hamelech said חבר אני לכל אשר יראוך - I want to be friends with everyone who fears Hashem. But Facebook friends are not friends. Everybody knows that. I hope. 

So  - let's be friends.

REAL friends!!!