Thursday, January 31, 2019

Three Approaches To Our Mortality

There are different ways of dealing with our mortality. Here are three:


Some people sweep it under the carpet and avoid talking or thinking about it. This strategy is used in general in life by many people when confronting problems - they just don't talk about it. So relationships [with themselves and others] flounder for years because people refuse to deal with the issues. Not healthy. People today talk with great passion and concern about the effects of global warming. If they would similarly talk about the effects of sweeping personal issues under the carpet and not dealing, we would all be much better off.

Pleasure Seeking 

Others say "Yo man, I am going to die and I haven't seen the Himalayas yet. I haven't been to Grand Canyon. I haven't visited Mount Rushmore [I am SURE they have Chabad in South Dakota. Yechi Adoneinu Moreinu Vi-rabeinu!!!] and the Bahamas. I haven't gone Bungee jumping! There is a new restaurant in town I haven't eaten at yet." Those or similar thoughts go through people's heads and then they start making reservations. "Ya only live once" they figure, and try to "make the most of it". 

I understand such an attitude. If the purpose of life is to enjoy - then they want to get the maximum enjoyment. Especially for those sad and unfortunate people who believe that the world has no true meaning and we are all just a HUUUUUUGE accident caused by TOTALLY random mutations. 

Doing Good  

Then there is another approach. The telos of life is to do GOOD. To bring blessing to the world by sharing one's blessings with others. To lessen people's pain and to increase their joy. To bring the splendorous Light of Hashem into our often mundane and dreary lives [called in Hebrew "חיים אפרוריים"].

Such people think about their impending death and חאפ א ציטער [start shaking]!!! "I have to get moving", they think. There is SOOOO much chesed to do, so much love to share, so much Torah to learn - and who knows how much longer I will have! A person who lives בתודעת המוות - with death as part of his consciousness, lives a life pregnant with meaning [if she is a woman and expecting a baby - even better!] and almost never wastes a second. 

I know such people and hope to reach their elevated plateau one day. I hope you do to...    
