Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Waiting - Link

You can't compare the Shabbos of one who anxiously and excitedly anticipates its coming to the Shabbos of someone who doesn't think much about it at all. The geula will be very different for those who waited and anticipated than for those who didn't. That is why in לכה דודי we talk about the geulah - it parallels Shabbos insofar as the need to anticipate.

We are asked at the end of days if ציפית לישעה - Did we wait for the salvation. Why live in the future - live in the here and now? The answer is that the anticipation of the future geula GREATLY impacts the way I live my live now. It will also GREATLY IMPACT my future.

Who receives the greatest chesed of Hashem? Those who wait for it and in proportion to HOW MUCH one waits for it. יהי חסדך ה' עלינו when? כאשר יחלנו לך!! 

Who "finds" Hashem? Those who are VERY BUSY seeking him out!! 

"אִם תְּבַקְשֶׁנָּה כַכָּסֶף וְכַמַּטְמוֹנִים תַּחְפְּשֶׂנָּה. אָז תָּבִין יִרְאַת יְהוָה וְדַעַת אֱלֹהִים תִּמְצָא."

In the first luchos in Parshas Yisro it says זכור את יום השבת לקדשו. In the second luchos in Vaeschanan it says שמור את יום השבת לקדשו. Zachor is the commandment of Hashem to remember. Shamor is OUR mandate to preserve and anxiously anticipate its coming. [First four books of Chumash from Hashem. The fifth - from our side "אלה הדברים אשר דיבר משה"]. The pasuk describes Yaacov's waiting for the dreams of Yosef to come true as ואביו שמר את הדבר - See Rashi there. שפתיים ישק! 

The Yerushalmi describes Hashem as not wanting to give the luchos to Moshe and Moshe snatched them away and Hashem gave him the thumbs up [כביכול]. What is the meaning of this PERPLEXING Gemara? For that - you have to listen to the shiur. See also זאת ליעקב - פרשת עקב from Rav Shmuel Borenshtein ztz"l.