Tuesday, January 29, 2019

We Can't Forget

When anyone in my family makes a simcha, we only invite relatives from my father's side but NOBODY from my mother's side. Why is this? A family fight?? G-D FORBID!!! 

Hitler killed them all!!! 

My mother [she should live and be well] was born in Czechoslovakia in the middle of the war and hid with her parents until the end of the war. She is the ONLY CHILD in her whole family who survived. The Nazis were looking for her to make sure that her family wouldn't continue but BARUCH HASHEM they didn't find her. She eventually got married, had four children and close to 30 grandchildren and the great grandchildren are starting to come.  

The global Jewish population in 2019 (~15 million) is still lower than it was in 1939 (16.6 million). So many Jews were murdered that we still haven't recovered demographically after 80 years.

What can we do today? Well, with an approximately 70 percent intermarriage rate in the US [it is worse in South America] - things aren't looking that great. When I read about a person like Heinz Kissinger [to bad he didn't keep his original name - he could have made millions in the ketchup business] marrying out - it makes me sick to my stomach. Shouldn't he know better? Hilter ימ"ש didn't kill his parents - but the anguish they had from him [including him swearing on a New Testament in a public ceremony on Shabbos] must have contributed to their deaths.... 
