Wednesday, February 14, 2024

The Secret Of Growth

The Rosh Yeshiva of Beis Matisyahu, Rav Baruch Veisbeker ztz"l who recently passed away, was raised in a modern home, light years away from the mindset of a Ben Torah. In his time, Bnei Akiva kids wouldn't wear a yarmulke but a beret b/c they were so uncomfortable showing this obvious religious symbol. [Ala the Ramaz slogan that "a yarmulke is an indoor garment". I know Ramaz graduates who are religious but have not worn a yarmulke outside the home for their whole lives - at least not in NY. The power of education, as false as it is...]. His Rosh Yeshiva in Kfar Haroeh, Rav Neriah [a talmid and biographer of Maran HaRav Kook], told him that he would either be a big judge or a Rosh Yeshiva. He innocently asked what Hashem wants and Rav Neriah told him that Hashem wants him to be a Rosh Yeshiva. He sent him to Ponovitch and indeed he eventually opened a Yeshiva and raised thousands of Talmidim over the years.

Mussar Haskel: One doesn't have to keep thinking what he was raised to think. Just because one was raised a certain way doesn't mean that this way is emes. Most people have trouble changing their mode of thinking. We are comfortable with what we are used to. I often marvel how people raise their children exactly as they were raised when it is exceedingly clear that some serious modifications must be made in order to provide their children with the best possible upbringing for this and the next worlds. 

Growth means stepping out of your comfort zone.