Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Some new shiurim from the MILLLIONSSSSS that I would like to give BS"D....

Succah as a דירת עראי - part 1 and   part 2. What a mehalech in Tosfos!!! Wooo-wwwww.

A surprising understanding the proof of the gemara from Chana that one should daven with כובד ראש.

Making Torah the essence of your existence through a profound analysis of the psukim. From the Beis Ha-yotzer of the Gaon of Geonim HaRav Mann. Part 1 and part 2. Eye-popping.

Learning before davening.

I also did a series years back on the Rambam's hilchos teshuva which is also as the title of this post suggests. It can be found on yutorah.org if you search for it.

Listen and live beloved friends!!:-):-).