Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Thank You - A Suggestion

I thank all those who spread around the post requesting that people daven for Alta Chaya Sarah bas Leah Avigail and of course for those who are davening and saying tehillim and doing added mitzvos.

Maybe everybody can take upon themselves a kabbala of some mitzva - even for a short time - as a zchus for the special young lady. It could be to learn a masechta of mishnayos, a taanis dibbur for one hour where one doesn't say [or text] even one word that is not Torah or Tfillah, to give a certain amount of money to tzdaka, to stay off the Internet for an entire day - anything that will make you holier and add merits to Alta Chaya Sarah bas Leah Avigail. [Maybe skipping the Thanksgiving football game and instead "pound it" in the "Beis". Perhaps with some Kedushas Levi on the Parsha or the like].

May we hear that she recovered and one day in the not to distant future becomes a kallah and continues the chain of our people.

Bsuros tovos for all.
