Friday, November 27, 2015


From an email....

Shalom sweeeetest friends!!!!

With all of the tzaros in Klal Yisroel we musn't forget how many smachot we have. Every day more and more Jewish children are being born, more and more couples are getting engaged and married, more and more young boys and girls celebrate their birthdays and Bar-Mitzvahs etc. etc. וכאשר יענו אותם כן ירבה וכן יפרוץ!! Here are a few of my beloved friends who recently had smachot! 

A huuuuuuge mazel tov to Rav and Mrs. Moshe Gavriel Bernstein on the birth of their son Yisroel Simcha!!! May he grow up to be a light unto Israel and enjoy the addition of many holy siblings!!! He has such holy parents I am sure that we will all see much nachas from him!

A huuuuge mazel tov to Rav and Mrs. Aharon Hakohen Finkelstein on the birth of their son Nosson Aryeh!! May he become a great talmid chochom like his father and always be bi-simcha!! May his holy parents and family experience only simcha!!! 

A huuuuge mazel tov to R. and Mrs. Zevi Blumenfrucht on ther birth of their daughter Simcha Sara!! May she provide limitless "simcha" to her special parents and grandparents and entire family!!!

This dvar torah should be a zchus for Shoshana bas Devorah Gittel for bracha and hatzlacha in everything together with her husband and children כן ירבו!!

It should also be a zchus for the refuah of Tzvi Dov ben Chaya - a young man who was supposed to get married this Chanukah and was just found to have throat cancer רח"ל. 

Speaking of children.....

In this weeks parsha Esav meets his brother Yaakov after many years and sees all of his wives and children and exclaims מי אלה לך!! How can it be that you have a family?? Yaacov answers that these are the children that Hashem gave your servant

Why is Esav so surprised that Yaacov has a family. He was already an older man and it is only natural that he should get married and produce children. Esav had PLENTLY of women and children so why should Yaacov be any different???!

Chazal teach us that Yaacov and Esav made a deal - Esav gets this world and Yaacov the next world. Esav was shocked! If Yaacov was willing to forgo the blessings of this world how did he have such a nice a family??

Yaacov answered that Esav has it all wrong. These are the children that Hashem gave me! These are pure holy children! They are not this-worldly blessings but other-worldly blessings.

You will look at the pure faces of many children from Yerushalayim Ir Hakodesh and notice that there is something so sublime and holy about him or her. Not only Yerushalayim but many a Jewish child that has not been contaminated by the impurity of this world retains that pure, soulful look. They are primarily holy angels who are just enclothed in a human body. The Kruvim in the holy of holies were formed in the shape of a child's face.

Holy of holies. 

We should all merit to have and to appreciate the holiness of a Jewish child and always make sure to help them maintain they pure, pristine state.


[Adapted in part from a talk the Rebbi Shlita gave this week at a tehillim gathering li-rifuas his grandson Chaim ben Chana Reizel]

Biahava rabba and blessings for a Shabbat Shalom,