Sunday, May 8, 2016

Don't Forget

לעילוי נשמת עליזה רחל בת חיים צבי
Li-rifuas Chaim Yonatan Mordechai ben Pesha Elka [Note: he is miraculously hanging in there. PLEASE keep davening]

We must be very vigilant not to forget Torah and mitzvos. The Torah is filled with exhortations to remember and not to forget. Forgetting can be on a simple level that it just slips one's mind to fulfill a religious obligation or it can have a more subtle expression when one does what he is supposed to do but does it without emotion. In the latter case, he is "forgetting" the value of the mitzvos which is reflected in a lackadaisical performance.  

What is the way to make sure that we don't forget  Torah and mitzvos?

 Dovid Hamelech let us in on the secret: לעולם לא אשכח  דבריך  - I will never forget your words, כי בם חייתני– because they are my chiyus [vitality]. I don’t know too many people who forget to eat and even if they do it doesn't take long for them to remember. This is because food gives people chiyus and when they don't have it they feel weak. Torah and mitzvos are the same. If one is lacking, he should be feeling spiritually weak because he has been cut off from his source of chiyus.

לעולם לא אשכח דבריך כי בם חייתני.

[חותם תכנית מס' יסוד תושבע"פ לגרי"י ריינס פרק ג']