Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Mixing The Korban And Person

The gemara says [Temurah 2b]:

דתניא קדשי עובדי כוכבים לא נהנין ולא מועלין ואין חייבין עליהם משום פיגול נותר וטמא אין עושין תמורה ואין מביאין (עליהם) נסכים אבל קרבנו טעון נסכים דברי ר"ש

The kodshim brought by Gentiles are not liable to the punishment for Meilah [even though rabbinically one may not derive benefit from them] or piggul, nosar, or tamei etc. The Gentile himself may not bring nesachim independently [as a Jew may] but must bring nesachim as part of his korban [see Rashi]. 

This braisa is problematic because it combines to disparate categories in one fell swoop. All of the dinim in the braisa are  a result of the fact that kodshim of the Gentile are of an inferior kedusha. Lower kedusha - less severity [big mussar for life!]. Hence, no Meilah etc. However the last halacha is not due to the nature of the korban but because of the status of the Gentile. HE may not bring nesachim independently of any korban but his korban requires nesachim. that is about the PERSON and not the korban as are the other dinim?!!