Monday, September 23, 2019

Knowing Your Psychology

Who are smarter - Jews or Blacks? 

Such a question when asked today, immediately triggers people. "How can you say that?" "That is racist!!" "That is a dangerous question. It endangers Blacks. It will cause discrimination!!" [Somehow people immediately intuit who would come out ahead]. 

There is a simple way to determine the answer to this question - Perform IQ or another intelligence test for Jews and Blacks and see who scores higher!! Whatever the results - it doesn't mean that EVERY person in the more intelligent group is more intelligent than every person in the less intelligent group. It also doesn't mean that one shouldn't be kind to members of either group. It also doesn't mean that intelligence is everything. There are many other qualities that are as or more important than intellectual acuity.  

But people don't like such questions despite the fact that it is merely investigating the truth. People are uncomfortable with the truth. 

Someone actually wrote a book about 25 years ago claiming Jews were smarter and he was all but lynched... 

Who are better athletes - Jews or Blacks? 

We also can guess who would come out ahead. How many Jews are there in the NBA vs. the number of Blacks. Who wins the world sprint competitions - Jews or Blacks? Deal with it guys - we are inferior athletes. A Bar Mitzva is the age when a Jewish kid realizes that the odds of him OWNING the team are far greater than the odds of him playing for the team. Period. 

If there is a Ponzi scheme - Is it more likely that a Jew is behind it or a Black person? I would guess the former. Maybe because it seems that EVERY Ponzi scheme [or most other multi multi million dollar acts of thievery] seems to involve a Jew and not a Black. 

Am I an Anti Semite? I hope not!! Some of my BEST FRIENDS are Jewish. My CHILDREN are Jewish!! I am no Anti Semite. [Although I AM Anti Termite].  

If there is a terrorist attack carried out for religious reasons and you had to guess the religion of the perpetrator, what religion would it be? 

What is my point? 

A person has to know his strong points and weak points. "KNOW THYSELF" said Rebbe Socrates!! One must know himself individually and also the general qualities of his group.  

Males have certain qualities unique to males [we like power, feeling important, are instantaneously attracted to women without having ever met them - one look is enough, are more inclined to violence etc. etc.] and females also have certain qualities unique to females [they are better with little children, are more inclined to cooking and housework, are more giving and nurturing, are more sensitive, more concerned with their physical appearance etc. etc. - these are all generalities and of course there are exceptions]. We have to know who we are in order to grow.

Jews have certain characteristics that apply to most Jews, as do Blacks, Italians, Hispanics etc. etc. To deny this and claim that all humans are essentially the same is to live in darkness.

Also, genetics isn't necessarily destiny. We can always improve on what we have. No, we MUST improve on what we have...