Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Take Advantage Of Your Time

Why did Rebbi CRY [Avoda Zara 17] when he exclaimed that one can acquire Olam Haba in one moment - יש קונה עולמו בשעה אחת. He should have been THRILLED??! 

He cried because he realized the power of ONE MINUTE!! If one can acquire Olam Haba in one minute then think about all the minutes that go to waste. Time has such incredible potential and we waste so much of it!! OY VEY VEY VEY!!😓

Also from the aforementioned Gemara  - one of my favorite lines in Shas: "אין הדבר תלוי אלא בי" - It is completely up to me. THAT is maybe rule numero uno of change - don't blame others and don't shirk responsibility. Take ONE HUNDRED PERCENT responsibility for your present state. There were definitely circumstances which impacted you [cold father, nervous mother, teachers who didn't always address your personal needs etc. etc.] but ultimately you have free choice and are the one who will determine your spiritual level. הכל בידי שמים חוץ מיראת שמים.  I often read that "I am not religious because of him/her" or "because of people like him/her." Baloney squared. You are not religious because you chose not to be religious. You had negative experiences? Who didn't? We honor your suffering and are ready to provide love and emotional support but your decisions about how to live your life are yours and yours alone. [If a person is really אנוס and lacks free choice then Hashem will not hold him accountable but only He can know that].  

אין הדבר תלוי אלא בי!