Thursday, September 26, 2019

Not Just A Gaon

HaGaon Rav Ariav Ozer Shlita is one of the most prominent Roshei Yeshiva in the world. He is a young man in his fifties whose mastery of Torah and originality are astounding. He can talk for hours without notes [even in Kodshim which is generally not learned in Yeshivos] and say deep chidush after deep chidush. [He does the same for divrei agada]. Every Shabbos he speaks in Har Nof for a few hours and holds the crowd spellbound with his remarkable presentations. [I have given many chazara shiurim of his on-line BS"D - for those who couldn't make the original....]

But that is not my point. 

Despite his Gadlus, he makes nothing of himself. Absolutely nothing. One expression of this is when he is asked to contribute a Torah article of his to a sefer being published, he politely refuses because, he explains, he really doesn't have very much to say. And he means it. That would explain why he has yet to publish a sefer [although Rav Yosef Ben Arza transcribes his weekly shiur and it is available to the public. No small feat - memorizing hours worth of countless sources, questions, answers etc. etc. and writing everything down clearly after Shabbos]. He doesn't feel worthy.  

The fact that he knows Shas Bi-iyun, that people who have been learning their whole lives attend his weekly shiurim religiously and that he leads a big yeshiva have not gone to his head. 

[Contrast his humility with that of politicians, performers, athletes and the like...]. 

Do you also want to raise such a child? Here is how