Sunday, September 15, 2019

Small Numbers - Lots Of Noise

A professor at YU wrote an article in the Stern College newspaper essentially saying that it is inhumane to forbid homosexuality, so we must allow it. [Note: Frum people are paying $40,670 dollars a year so that such people can teach their children. The Great Rav Schachter or Rav Rosensweig in the morning and this dude in the afternoon. I can see this confusing young kids...]. 

I am not going to argue with him because anyone who believes that the Torah is eternal and given by Hashem already has the answer [or at least the conclusion that it can't be changed]. But I will say this. Walking around the City for the last two weeks or so, I have noticed couples wherever I go. These couples are almost always male and female. Adam and Eve and not Adam and Steve. The vast majority of the population is heterosexual [according to the latest Gallup poll - 95.5 percent!]. Men want women and women likewise desire intimate relationships with men. There are few things that the average person wants more than a fulfilling relationship with a member of the opposite sex. All this LGBTQ stuff gets far more press than its numbers deserve.