Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Stories Pictures Tell

I was recently looking through old simcha photo albums from the 1980's. A picture says MORE than a thousand words.  

The photographer went from table to table taking pictures. At one of the tables a man posed for the picture by putting one arm around his wife - and his other arm around someone else's wife [whose husband was sitting on her other side]. I look at this picture and think to myself - What is this mechutzaf doing?? What right does he have to put his arm around the shoulders of another man's wife? What was he thinking? Did he ask her? If he did - why did she agree?? What does her husband עליו השלום [a kind doctor who smiled at the camera, seemingly oblivious to the drama going on next to him] think about this? 

Anyway, a number of years after this picture was taken this man found himself sentenced to sit in jail for over 4 billion dollars worth of fraud [he pleaded guilty to the charges]. A man who can't keep his hands to himself will pose for a picture by putting his arm around his friend's wife and will also steal..... 

Another picture featured a man whose arm was only around his own wife. Little did they know it at the time - she would be the first of his six [and counting!] wives. So this lovey dovey stuff he was displaying to the camera was in a sense genuine. He is a VERY loving guy....