Sunday, September 15, 2019

Our Plot To Take Over The World

It is well known that as part of the Jewish plot to take over the world, they [meaning "we"] planted two Jews in the White House - Yael [known in her former life before receiving her Jewish soul as "Ivanka"] and Yoel Chaim [known to the Gentiles as "Jared"] Kushner. Yoel Chaim reportedly also made up a story about his grandparents being Holocaust survivors so that he could use that to sway his father in law to give more money to the Zionist enterprise to take over the world. [The fact that they actually were Holocaust survivors is completely irrelevant]. He took the name Yoel to fool the world into thinking that he was Satmar, so he really can't be part of the Zionist plot to take over the world. We see through it. 

When Yael goes in to the inner sanctum to make requests on behalf of her people, as did Esther in the days of yore [and Donald and Achashveirosh share an insatiable appetite for a גילוי עריות as well, making the parallelism striking], what does she say??? 

אבינו מלכנו!!!😊😊