Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Things Money Can't Buy - Ki-minyan Chai

Recently I was watching some clips of a Jew who is one of the world's richest men. No - he is not necessarily rich in the Jewish sense that he is שמח בחלקו [like he is at his desk every morning 7am. With all your billions maybe you should get the "zman Krias Shema of the Gra" minyan.... I would but I am not that frum. But something tells me that he doesn't do Magen Avraham either] but in the sense that he has billions of chicken shmaltz [like the moshol of the guy who went to the island where there were diamonds as much as sand and he brought home chicken shmaltz b/c that was the currency there. It spoiled on the way home and all he was left with was spoiled chicken fat. So people who come to the next world with loads of cash, real estate and shares in big companies😳😳].

I don't mean to be mean or disrespectful [and thus I am not mentioning his name] but something struck me. He seems to have a really dry, dour personality. Like booooooooooooooooring. The type of guy you would want to sit next to on an airplane if you really need to get some sleep. So I added on to my long list of things money can't buy .....  PERSONALITY!!! If you have one it is worth billions!!!! 😀👍 

So add that to the list of things money can't buy:

1] Eyesight and hearing. 

2] A good working pancreas.

3] A memory. 

4] A respiratory system. 

5] Good meaningful relationships.

6] Sechel - both practical and technical. 

7] Health for loved ones. 

8] Good happy dreams.

9] Good working kidneys.

10] Healthy digestion. 

11] The right amount of dopamine and countless other chemicals in the body that determine our physical and emotional well being. 

12] Talent - musical, athletic or otherwise. 

13] Long life. 

14] Nachas from happy well adjusted children. 

15] To get a chazzan in shul to stop shlepping things out. 

16] To live in the PERFECT community. 

17] To get your great grandparents and other late relatives back.

18] The list goes onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.