Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Sweet Taste Of Victory

The battle began!!

This Shabbos afternoon I took a delicious Shabbos Shluf but all too soon I had to rise for the Mincha services. I have noticed that they don't wait for me when I tarry so I had to get up - otherwise I would miss it. Was I tired!! How am I going to get up?! The Mesillas Yesharim says that the road to greatness is paved with alacrity, known affectionately as "Zrizus". Easier said than done!!

Suddenly I hear the music blasting in my mind "Ma ma ma, ma ma ma [no, nothing to do with my mother, but] ma tovoo ohalecha yaakov, ma ma ma ma ma ma MAAAAA mishkinoseeeeecha yisrael." My mind started playing Schwecky!! Loud and leibidig!!!

How can I remain horizontal in face of the stimulating music? So I rose!!


A Wonderful Week For All Of My Beloved Friends!!!:)

PS - A tremendous mazel tov to my sister Naomi Weberman on the birth of a daughter last night! Now, despite the fact that when she got married she added the word "Web" to her name, nevertheless she is fortunate enough not to have internet access, so she won't be reading this. But I still give her and my brother-in-law Hagaon Rav Yossi my bracha that they should be zoche to raise this daughter, litorah, chuppah and maasim tovim together with all of their other children k"y. And a big mazel to the grandparents on both sides, particularly my parents who should see nachas from all of their grandchildren [KEYN YIRBU!] in good health. Amen keyn yehi ratzon!!