Monday, September 20, 2010

Marriage 14

I often wonder. I see the way women respect a Talmid Chochom and yet when it comes to their own husbands they don't accord him any respect at all [or very little], even though he himself may be a Talmid Chochom. So if they clearly understand the importance of respect - why don't their husbands get a piece?!

One time a wife of someone I know well solved the riddle for me. A Talmid Chochom, she explained, is superior to me, so I give him respect. But my husband - he is my equal! He doesn't deserve special respect.


Sweetest friends, the Rambam!!! He tells us how to keep Shabbos and Kashrus and also teaches how to relate to a spouse. Your husband should be treated like a KING! That is what he writes. A King. How would you treat the President of the United States if he came to your house?! Even if you had differences with him I assure you that you would treat him with respect. Your husband deserves no less! Plus, the President a Goy - your husband is Jewish!

Ladies try it. I promise you it will only increase the peace in your home.

"What about my husband?" I hear the ladies asking. "Is he allowed to treat me like his slave or something? Where is the equality?!"

That - is for a future post....

PS The book on shalom bayis by Rav Aroush that I recommended is called "The Garden Of Peace" [I think].