Agreeing to try to implement the following principles in your life will make you an honorary student at Yeshivas Mevakesh Lev. Tuition is free and quality of life is much improved.
Love Your Neighbor As You Love Yourself:
I appreciate it when people return phone calls. I will therefore return other people's calls.
I don't like sending a friend an email with a question about something ["Do you have Moishe's telephone number?"] and being ignored. I will therefore not ignore my friend when he emails me.
I don't like it when people talk about me behind my back. I will not do so to others - even if they won't find out.
It is so thoughtful when a Yid stops at a bus stop in a religious neighborhood and offers people rides [if they are going in his direction]. I will stop my car at the 2 bus stop on Shaulzon Street in Har Nof and ask if anyone needs to go in the direction of the Old City.
I don't like it when I get up to give a shiur and people walk out [this happens before just about every shiur I give. SO flattering!]. I won't do this to others. If I can't stay I will leave before the Rabbi arrives.
It feels good when I know that people care about me. I will care about others and show them. I will try to step out of my own world and enter into theirs. It is hard because naturally I care MUCH more about myself but I will work on it.
I feel good when I see that others pay attention to my children. I will try to make other people's children feel good. I will remember that I love my children more than any other children in the world but that Hashem loves my neighbor's children no less than He loves my own. I will treat them accordingly.
I wouldn't want someone to appreciate me just for my externals. I will therefore look past other people's externals into their true selves. It is more of a challenge because of my gender but that is what kedushah is all about.
I don't like when people conduct loud conservations on their cellphones in my presence. I won't do this to others and will speak in a low voice.
I HATE it when I am talking to someone and he interrupts the conversation to answer his phone. I won't do this to others unless it is urgent. And I will profusely apologize.
I like it when someone reads an article I wrote or heard a shiur I gave and tells me what it meant to them. I will try to inform the author of a sefer I enjoyed or a Maggid Shiur who gave a good shiur that I derived benefit from their efforts.
When I see someone who is successful, even in an area where I feel that I lack, I will have an Ayin Tova and will think "Good for him/her!! May Hashem grant them added bracha!!" I will realize that the world doesn't revolve around me and my needs.