Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Scandalous Behavior

This post is only for people with deep voices [I always like to say that I am male even though I have never been inside an envelope] who are willing to hear a little "shtark mussar" from a person who is light years away from perfection.

Every so often a scandal involving arayos [meaning "lions" but also something else] makes its way through the airwaves. We often look upon these people and say "Shame on you, you indecent, immoral, sub-human, distorted version of human being".

What does the Torah say?

First of all, don't read about these things. They put your brain through the gutter.

But there is another important nekudah "." [Get it, I made a nekuda:)]: The gemara says that in a certain way, merely THINKING illicit thoughts is WORSE than the actual deed itself. [Yoma 29 I think]

Just LOOKING at someone in a less that holy [although perfectly natural given the hormonal mechanism that the Creator endowed upon us] is a BIBLICAL [dioraisa if you want to get Aramaic] prohibition.


I have an answer and it rhymes with "ko" [I wish it would rhyme with fes]. The gemara already says that not a day goes by without such thoughts [Bava Basra 164b].

So let us get out our mirrors and tell that handsome chevre-man looking at us that he must LEARN halachos and mussar related to this aveira, he must IMMERSE himself in Torah, he must DIP in purifying waters when he can, he must stop watching movies - actresses are not chosen for their good middos, he must DAVEN that Hashem save him from impurities and he must find SIMCHA in playing for Hashem's team, so that he doesn't need to search for "simcha" on the "Sitra Achra Devils" team.

Should we get down on ourselves if we fall? NOOOOO! But we must never stop battling.

Told you it would be shtark.

Love and blessings!!!:)