Monday, October 29, 2012

My Trip To America

The cab driver who took me to the airport was a very talkative gentleman. 45 minutes straight.

The highlight: His friend was completely irreligious. He had a mashgiach who worked in his restaurant who was a paragon of honesty. He refused to have even a drink of water so as not to be biased [see Ksubos 105]. He was so inspired by this mashgiach that he was chozer bi-tshuvah. He never misses a davening, he learns etc. etc.

Sweetest friends!! We don't live on an island. Our actions affect others.

On my flight I didn't have any interesting conversations with anybody because there was nobody sitting next to me. Empty. I put my Eiruvin down and it was very comfortable. It even got a SKML [special kosher meal].  

The fellow sitting two seats away from me was watching Seinfeld on DVD. I must admit that I was wondering what Seinfeld was saying that was so funny. I, too, wish I were funny. I couldn't hear anyway so instead I was busy writing this on the middah of hakarat hatov. I hope that you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I also hope that this great undertaking that occupies so much time still allows me the opportunity to learn and write.

 כי הם חיינו.