Monday, October 22, 2012

What Remains After The Gifts For Eisav

The pasuk relates that Yaakov arrived in Succos and he built himself a house and for his sheep he built Succos, therefore he called the name of the place Succos [Breishis 33/7].

The question is why did he call the name of the place after the succos he built for his sheep and not after the house that he built for himself. On the surface, it would seem that what he built for his sheep was secondary to what he built for himself?

Maran HaRav Hutner ztz"l: The sheep arrived in Succos with him after he had given gifts to Eisav. Just as Yaakov arrived in Succos with what he had after he gave his gifts to Eisav, so too we arrive in our Succos after we give our gift to Eisav on Yom Kippur. We don't give Eisav many animals as Yaakov did but we give him our sins with the שעיר לעזאזל as it says ונשא את עוונתם אל ארץ גזירה - The sheep carries their sins over the cliff.  עוונתם is comprised of two words עוונות תם - Sins of the pure i.e. Yaakov. Eisav as represented by the שעיר לעזאזל carries Yaakov's sins over the cliff. After that happens we then enter our Succos.

So Succos is really primary for us and not just secondary because that is what remains after the gift to Eisav.  

עפ"י הספר דולה ומשקה על סוכות עמ' רכא ובמאמרי פחד יצחק עניין ק"ד