Monday, July 15, 2013

Learning Before Tisha B'av - Updated

We all know that one is only allowed to learn "sad torah" on Tisha B'av, such as Eicha and Hilchos Aveilus. What is less well known is that this begins already at midday of Erev Tisha B'av. [Note - Many authorities argue and are lenient about learning on Erev Tisha B'av].

Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach says that the prohibition of learning the "sad torah" in depth [בעיון] is forbidden only on Tisha B'av proper but on Erev Tisha B'av one is allowed to learn in depth.

Wheeeew. Saved.

[The Maamar Mordechai permits even learning in depth on Tisha B'av. The Chazon Ish agreed because he maintained that learning superficially is not considered learning. See also the shiurim of Rav Soloveitchik on page מה who says that learning Torah is inherently an act of simcha because that is the essence of divrei torah. The mitzva to learn "sad torah" is because it is a fulfillment of the aveilus of the day. Learning in depth is also considered part of the aveilus. A proof was brought by his zeide R' Chaim from the fact that we are permitted to learn midrashim on Eicha. Midrashim are taking us beyond the simple meaning of the text.]