Monday, July 22, 2013

Writers Bloc

Recently, I have found myself not wanting to blog. I was wondering why this is. In my personal life there are things going on that are requiring a great deal of attention [and heartache Baruuuuch Haaaasheeeeemmmm:-)] but that is not all there is to it.

On the blog I write about many topics which can all be subsumed under one umbrella: Ruchniyus - spirituality. The problem I have been dealing with is that I don't feel that I am able to convey my religious experience on "paper". I want people to be able to get the same excitemement from observing Torah and mitzvos as I do but the written word is an inadequate medium. Even when I was zoche to teach face to face I often felt to my heart wrenching dismay that I failed to properly convey to the students the depths of my feelings and experiences. I could give a long talk on the sweetness and holiness of the eternal Torah and only minutes later the boys would be huddled around a box watching oversized goyim trying to paralyze each other in an effort to get a piece of pigskin filled with hot air past a white line, to the delight of tens of millions of other goyim who are convinced that such activities matter. I could give a fire and brimstone talk on kedusha and shmiras habris and shortly after the boys would be back in the dorm watching half clothed, gentile women pretending to be someone they are not and kissing random men on a DVD [which should be roshei teivos "Don't Vatch Dis"].

Part of me is glad that I no longer have to deal with that and that no more does gemara compete with the playoffs [or sultry actresses רחמנא לצלן]. But writing this blog puts me in a certain sense back in that reality. Mevakesh has to compete with Facebook, Lashon Hara news websites, ESPN.COM and other forms of lower entertainment. On the odd occasion that I still give a shiur it is always in heavy competion with the blackberry and cell phones that are active during the proceedings. Ring-ring. Bzzzzzz. They look and then apologize. Another ring, another look, another apology. So many hatzala guys around Baruch Hashem:).

Sweetest friends. At heart, I am just a pashut yeshiva bachur who wants to retreat into the charming and lofty world of Torah. So I guess that I am inviting everyone to join me. I want you to experience for yourselves the grandeur of Torah and Avodas Hashem. The writer of this blog is no holier, smarter, more spiritual or deeper than you are. My goal is nothing less than for you to reach a state of ruach hakodesh. That is the goal of the sefer mesilas yesharim and our goal is no more modest.

Hope you will join me for the ride.

Love always,
