Tuesday, August 12, 2014

He Was Already Helped

לזכות ידיד נפשי רבי אפרים אבא בן מרים שושנה וכל משפחתו לברכה והצלחה בכל מעשי ידיהם!!!

R' Avigdor Yaakobovitch z"l related the following story about Reb Aharon Mi-Belz:

His brother was trying to sneak over the Russian border in order to escape and of course was filled with fear. He sent a telegram [before email...] to R' Avigdor imploring him to get a bracha from the holy Rebbe that he should be successful on the following Sunday in sneaking over the border.

That Friday night at the tisch, R' Avigdor gave money ["שטעלן ויין" in "chassidic"] and asked for a bracha for his brother who is going on a dangerous mission on Sunday. Reb Aharon said "Ehr is shoin a gehalphener" - He was already helped. Hmmmm. The next day he gave money another time, so great was his trepidation about what might happen to his brother. That Sunday morning the Rebbe was receiving people but he convinced someone in the inner circles to mention his brother again.

The Rebbe said "Farvoos fardreit men mir dem kop mit azelecha narisha hazkoros" - What are you driving me crazy with such silly requests. Hmmmmm.

Turns out that his brother changed his plans and already successfully sneaked through on Friday. That is what the Rebbe meant when he said Friday night "Ehr is shoin a gehalphener".

בקדושתו של אהרן עמ' קמ"ו

זכות הצדיקים יעזור ויגן ויושיע!!