Tuesday, August 12, 2014

My Washing Machine And The Geula

My washing machine broke.


Better than a critical limb [or even uncritical limb], chas vi-shalom. G-d is great! Only chesed.

But now I have to buy a new one [or so my wife tells me - unless I choose to do the laundry by hand daily]. So what type of machine should I buy?

A German machine? No way! Yimach shimom! A Polish machine? After what they did to us?! No sir! A Spanish model? Who can forget the inquisition? I'll pass. A French one? There is a Jewish exodus from that country that is filled with anti-semitism.

An American-made washing machine? They refused to take in Jewish escapees from Nazi Europe, resulting in their deaths. Roosevelt would not even come out of the White House to meet the Rabbis who were protesting in order to help the European Jews being starved, gassed and burned alive. Not to mention the present administration and their pro-arab inclinations.

An Israeli model? Don't know if they make such machines in this country. Even if they do maybe the factory isn't shomer shabbos and who would want to support mechalelei shabbos?!

So I will make the machine myself! But I need to buy the parts. Where am I going to get the parts from? Not German made etc. etc. etc.

Moral - Moshiach should come and redeem us from anti-semitism, broken washing machines and mostly .....

Broken Hearts.

כאיש אשר אמו תנחמנו כן אנכי אנחמכם ובירשלים תנוחמו

אמן כן יהי רצון!!!:)