Thursday, October 8, 2015

How Many Judges For Lashes?

לזכות ידידי אהובי ר' ברוך בן ר' משה לברכה והצלחה בכל מעשי ידיו

The Mishna at the beginning of Sanhedrin says that for a case concerning a punishment of  מלקות we require three judges. Rebbi Yishmael says 23. Rava [10a] explains that Rebbi Yishmael's reasoning is that מלקות במקום מיתה עומדת - Lashes are instead of capital punishment [see Rashi and many other meforshim] and so just like מיתה requires a court of 23, so too מלקות.

The Rambam [Sanhedrin 5/4 and see Tosfos as well] says that we give מלקות based on a court of 3 [like the Tanna Kamma says], even though the person may die.

This implies that Rebbe Yishmael's reasoning that we require 23 is that the person may die and thus we need a court of 23 as we do for capital punishment.

This is difficult to digest: The reason capital punishment requires a court of 23 is NOT because a person might die [איבוד נפש]. Proof positive: A Shor Haniskal requires a court of 23 because of כמיתת הבעלים כך מיתת השור [as the Mishna says further on] and here there is no איבוד נפש [of a human being]. The reason 23 judges are required is because it is a case of דיני נפשות and thus even a Shor Haniskal case is considered דיני נפשות because of כמיתת הבעלים כך מיתת השור [which means that just as if a person would have been חייב סקילה for this act of goring, we would require 23 judges, so too when an ox is going to be חייב סקילה we require 23]. So how can the Rambam imply that we require 23 because of a potential איבוד הנפש?    

עי' מה שביאר בשיעורי רבינו יחיאל מיכל עמ' ה