Sunday, October 25, 2015

Killing A Terrorist - Women Rabbis - My Opinion And How Much It Is Worth

לזכות ידידי אהובי משה יהודה בן פעשא דינה לזיווג הגון בקרוב!!!!
There is a huge debate raging in Israel about what to do with a terrorist after he is neutralized and tied up. So say "KILL 'IM!!" Others claim that this is immoral.
The bottom line is that all of of our opinions are worth diddly squat because only true gedolei yisrael [who obviously don't read blogs] can decide what dvar Hashem is. First one must learn all of Shas and poskim thoroughly - then he has the right to an opinion.
[I recently read yet another article about women "rabbis". The author of the article mistakenly thought that passing a semicha test makes one an authority on all areas of Jewish law and hashkafa. The reality is that having semicha means that one memorized some halachos from hilchos Shabbos, nidda, kashrus and aveilus. NOTHING ELSE. It doesn't mean that one is a talmid chochom or an authority on anything. To be a true talmid chochom is not to sit and study and very narrow curriculum in order to pass a test but to sit for years and years, day and night, weekdays, Shabbos and holidays, toiling in Torah. From Brachos to Niddah. Every Tosfos. Every Maharsha. Bavli, Yerushalmi Sifra and Sifree etc. etc. No woman, as I have noted before, has done this or has the means and desire to do this. We love our women but we can't uphold our tradition by breaking it].    
But just to "talk in learning" on this sugya... 
1] The Heilige Kintzker Gaon asks [קבא דקשייתא א] why we are not מחלל שבת to save a בא במחתרת upon whom an avalanche of rocks fell [אין מפקחין עליו את הגל].  He is no longer a rodef so what is the problem??
One answer given [see the Mandelbaum edition at length] is that even though NOW he is not a danger - but he will be in the future. Therefore, we may not be מחללל שבת to save him.
Veist ois - a future rodef has a din rodef. ודוק היטב בזה.  
2] At war  - the regular rules of sanctity of human life are suspended. It is [until moshiach comes] kill or get killed רח"ל. One may argue that we have been at war since the birth of the State. [See R' Shachter's בעקבי הצאן סימן ל"ב for support of this thesis]. Any Arab who attempts to commit a terrorist attack must be treated like an enemy soldier - not like a regular civilian at a time of peace.
3] See Rambam Hilchos Melchim 8/10 ודוק היטב.
The final decision is given over to מאורי הדור and not to relative amaratzim like myself.
והאמת והשלום אהבו!!!
Bi-ahava rabba,