Saturday, October 17, 2015

My Oneg Shabbos This Week

I saw a teshuva in the Divrei Yatziv from the heilige Klausenberger Rebbe zy"a.

He was a man who could speak for hours and give complex pilpulim on any topic in Torah off the cuff. He was a gaon olam and master of kol hatorah koolah. 

He concludes the aforementioned teshuva by asserting that he is not worthy to pasken shylos and that he is only writing so that the real poskim will read it and decide for themselves what the correct psak is. But he? He can't pasken shylos....

And he meant it. He wasn't a joking sort of person. 

We should all strive to reach his level of greatness and then to remain as unbelievably humble as he was.