Thursday, March 31, 2016

Don't Think Like A Worm

There is an old Yiddish expression [at least Malcolm Gladwell claims there is:-)] that to a worm in horseradish, the whole world is bitter horseradish. אַז דער וואָרעם זיצט אין כריין, מיינט ער אַז עס איז קיין זיסערס ניטאָ.

When a person is suffering from financial problems, he often feels that all of life is about finances. When he suffers from marital discord, then all of his attention is focused in that area. This applies to any problems people face. They tend to place all of their attention on that problem and all other facets of life pale in comparison.

It is necessary to realize that this is a warped and jaded perspective. Finances are important but not the end all of life. The great Gerrer Rebbe, the Sfas Emes, was so poor that his sons would split an egg in half for lunch. Yet, he was the Sfas Emes and he lit up all of the worlds [and continues to do so...]. Money isn't everything. 

Nor is health. Or shalom bayis. Important - very. But if one is not satisfied with his health or shalom bayis he shouldn't overlook all of the other important facets of life. Does he put on tefillin? Does he learn Torah? Give tzedaka? If he can answer even one yes then he must be FILLED with simcha. 

Never lose perspective sweet friends.