Thursday, March 31, 2016

The Kiss Of Death/ Be Careful/ Trump And Kavod Shabbos

I am more than a little shaken up. There is a video circulating featuring a well known rabbi, talmid chochom and kashrus administrator, being publicly kissed [or hugged or both] by Hillary C.

Makes me question if I can trust his hechsher. If he can kiss a Gentile woman, then can he be trusted to certify my food as kosher? Shaking hands is one thing - but a kiss???

So all I can say is that we must be דן לכף זכות and assume that he was completely taken by surprise and felt terrible during and afterward. He wishes that it never happened and already did teshuva, as the gemara says  - if a talmid chochom sins by night, assume that by the next morning he already did teshuva.  

I also wonder if this rabbi [and all of her other Jewish supporters] are as supportive of giving our sworn enemies their very own state as she is. I know little about politics but have no doubt that giving our enemies more power and a stronger infrastructure will make our lives more pleasant.  

But the kiss thing was straight against the Shulchan Aruch.

What can we learn from this?? 

Stay away from politicians of the opposite gender kissing anyone in sight. 

Be careful - everything you do may be recorded on video.

Pray that you never stumble in this or other areas. 

NOTE: If you don't know the identity of the person to whom I am referring PLEASE DON'T google it and find out. I don't mean to bring him embarrassment chas vi-shalom as he is a distinguished talmid chochom and marbitz Torah.  

Now that I am on the topic - a word about Trump.

In his zchus, I am mechabed Shabbos. I wear really nice looking ties that have his name in them. Thanks Donald for being mechabed Shabbos - and for having a Jewish daughter who is also mechabed Shabbos!! 

About his politics: No comment....