Thursday, September 7, 2017

Redundant? - Regretting Regret

לע"נ ר' אהרן בן יעקב שכנא 

The Rambam writes [Teshuva 3/3]:
כל מי שניחם על המצות שעשה ותהה על הזכיות ואמר בלבו ומה הועלתי בעשייתן הלואי לא עשיתי אותן הרי זה איבד את כולן ואין מזכירים לו שום זכות בעולם שנאמר וצדקת הצדיק לא תצילנו ביום רשעו אין זה אלא בתוהה על הראשונות

Anyone who changes his mind about the mitzvos he has performed and regrets the merits [he has earned], saying in his heart: "What value was there in doing them? I wish I hadn't performed them" - loses them all and no merit is preserved for him at all as [Ezekiel 33:12] states "The righteousness of the upright will not save him on the day of his transgression." This only applies to one who regrets his previous [deeds].

1] How do you explain the seeming repetition of שניחם על המצוות ותהה על הזכיות?  It seems to be saying the same thing twice - no??

2] Also, let us say that someone does teshuva for his aveiros - and then regrets his teshuva. Do all of his aveiros come back or does he just lose the mitzva of teshuva but doesn't get the aveiros back??

[If you send me an answer it is an עילוי for your neshama and for R' Aharon ben Yaakov Shachna who never had children.]