Monday, September 11, 2017

The Limits Of Seriousness

לזכות נועם בן לאה 

Shammai [of "Hillel and Shammai" fame] was a representative, according to the Mekubalim, of the middah of Din - strict, no-nonsense, judgment. 

When the potential ger came to him to be converted on condition that he be taiught the whole Torah on one leg, Shammai pushes him away with a buildling stick. [Shabbos 31] No-nonsense. Strict judgment. No Mr. nice guy. 

He says in Pirkei Avos [1/15] עשה תורתך קבע - Make your Torah set. No messin' around. You have to take your learning seriously. All day [see Rashi].  

Then he says אמור מעט ועשה הרבה - No time for much chattering and pleasant conversation. There is to much to do. 

So make your learning the set, constant behavior in your life to the exclusion of much else and minimize your conversation. 

Doesn't sound like he preaches to us to be much of a "chevre-mahn" ["social butterfly"]. Get your nose to the grindstone and do your work in this word. Torah and good deeds. Din. 

But wait. One more teaching. 

A shocker. 

והוי מקבל את כל האדם בסבר פנים יפות - Receive every man with a pleasant countenance. That is also Din. EVERYBODY deserves a smile!! 


Din. Not chesed. Not "being a nice guy" but an absolute obligation - even for the serious guys. 


Image result for images smile

Image result for images smile