Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Who Can Judge?

לזכות ידיד נפשי הרב ישראל אפפעל שליט"א וכל בני ביתו לברכה והצלחה בכל מעשי ידיהם!!

The pasuk says that Moshe saved the daughters of Yisro "ויקם משה ויושיען" - The Medrash says that he sat in judgment and said that normally the men draw the water [because it is more strenuous] and the women give the animals to drink. But here the women are drawing the water and the men are giving the animals to drink.

The Maharal [Gevuros Hashem 20] explains that Moshe was כדיין המתעורר לעשות מעשה כאשר יראה בעיניו העיוות והשקר - like a judge who is aroused to act when he sees a perversion [of justice] and falsehood. That is what it means that he saved the girls. 

Rav Y.D. Hartman asks: Why does the Maharal say כדיין - like a judge. Why not like a "person" who acts when he sees injustice?  

He points to a passage in the Pachad Yitzchak where Rav Hutner explains that we are only commanded to follow in the path of Hashem when it comes to his middah of chesed. We are ALL commanded to do chesed. Chesed is for EVERYONE. But not judgment. The pasuk says that המשפט לא-להים הוא. Only Hashem can judge. In order for a human being to judge he needs smicha which gives him special permission as a messenger of Hashem. That is why the Maharal says "כדיין", for only a judge has permission to judge and not a regular person.