Friday, September 1, 2017

Why You? The Mitzva To Marry

A Talmid Chochom asked me in shul yesterday on the Rambam who writes that the Torah mitzva of kiddushin is to marry a woman with kiddushin and ksubah. How does ksubah find it's way in here [ווי פאלט אריין כתובה דו]? Moreover, according to the Rambam ksubah is only מדרבנן?!  

He was not the first to raise this point [although this is probably the first blog to raise the point:-)]. 

Here is but one explanation by a man known affectionately by his thousands of talmidim as "The Rov" [I was once in a certain yeshiva that was anti YU and the line about a boy who was going there was "Why you??"]:

 שיין!! ["Pretty" in Greek]

Another offering from Rav Shimon Moshe Diskin ztz"l: