Sunday, December 10, 2017

A Tzadik? - My Protest

I saw this in an article by a well known Rav, mechanech and yeshiva head:

"David Ben Gurion, Israel’s first Prime Minister, zecher tzaddik livracha....."

A self proclaimed apikorus, a mechalel shabbos, a person who kept none of the 613 commandments [if one doesn't believe in G-d or Matan Torah, then any mitzva one does by accident has no value] is a "tzadik"??

Why does having a hand in the birth of the State of Israel make one a tzadik when he was consciously a complete rebel against the G-d of Israel whom he didn't believe in [but he did famously dabble in Buddhism]?? All one has to do is be a Zionist and one becomes a tzadik? Ben Gurion himself would scoff at being called a tzadik. Netanyahu is a tzadik? Shamir was a tzadik? Rabin? Peres? Every אוכל נבלות וטריפות בועל נדות מחלל שבת בפרהסיא מחרף ומגדף is a tzadik if he supports or works for the State?

THAT is apikorsus. It is saying that you don't have to keep Torah or mitzvos to be a good Jew. More than a good Jew. A Tzadik. A Tzadik-mechalel-Shabbos-blasphemer of G-d's Holy Name. Nauseating.

I am not negating the good that Ben Gurion did [I am happy there is a State. MUCH BETTER than the alternative] - just that he is branded a tzadik. 

I am sickened.    

Maybe someone can explain this to me??