Wednesday, February 7, 2018

I Don't Understand - A Scandal - Phones But Not Smart

I read a sicha given by a Rosh Yeshiva of a Hesder Yeshiva where he said that he was so proud that a number of students put a filter on their smartphones. 

I am puzzled. How do you run a Yeshiva where you know for a fact that boys are carrying around a machine where they can [and do] watch filth?? How can you allow that?? These people don't need their smartphones for work - they are kids. They "need" phones? So only allow phones without Internet. But no, they allow smartphones, boys watch filth - and then go learn in the Beis Medrash. Does the Torah have the desired affect??? Of course not. If there is no יסוד [foundation - in Kabbala sexual purity of the eyes, heart, mind and of course action] - then the entire structure falls. 

It is not just this Yeshiva - there are plenty of them around that allow this. A Rebbi from one of these Yeshivas told me that boys admitted to him that they were watching pornography for the entire year. 

The only explanation I can think of - and this was given to me by a "Rosh Yeshiva"-  is that if they forbid phones they will lose students. If they lose students - they lose money. So in essence they allow boys to watch filth so that they can have money.

A scandal.

If I am wrong I would appreciate emails explaining why. I also want to know if I am the only person who cares because I am feeling alone in this one. 

In the Charedi Yeshivos, if a boy is found using such a phone - he is OUT. It would be like finding him eating a cheeseburger or smoking on Shabbos. 

Hashem doesn't have separate Torah's for people who wear different color kippot. תורה אחת. 

Yehi Ratzon that Klal Yisrael is mischazeik in inyanei kedusha. One of the biggest sources of depression is falling into Internet filth. I want people to be happy. The bracha is usually "happy and healthy". I add "holy".