Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Right And Wrong As Clues To The Meaning Of The Universe - Part 4 - My Thoughts And Summary

To summarize what I feel is a remarkable insight [please read parts 1-3]:

Every human being in every culture has some sense of right and wrong, good and evil. Even the post modern attitude where there is no real truth and everything goes, has moral rules. For example - everybody would agree that if one gets into a taxi in Manhattan, and asks the driver to go to 86th and Park Avenue and the driver purposely takes the person to Norfolk, Virgina, that he has done something wrong. Everyone agrees that a man is evil if he asks his wife to prepare him sunny side up eggs and then smacks her up [not so sunny...] because she didn't add enough salt.

Even the Nazis ימ"ש [who aren't such a good example because we are talking about human beings and not wild, vicious animals] justified their extermination of Jews on moral grounds. They claimed that we were vermin [or Ehrman] and that the world would be much better off without us for a whole host of reasons. Why couldn't they just kill with no rhyme or reason? Why the justification? Because the human race [and Nazis who strangely resembled human beings in their external appearance] are programmed to be moral individuals and to care about right and wrong - even if in practice they don't follow their conscience.

People who justify abortion at any stage in the pregnancy for any reason the mother chooses or killing little babies or old people do so on moral grounds. Twisted morality but an attempt at morality nonetheless.

Even when Arabs commit senseless acts of terror, when they slaughter little babies, when they crash airplanes into packed buildings killing thousands, they justify their behavior on religious and moral grounds. On the contrary - it is we, the infidels who don't accept Allah [although you accept Ally if you are reading this], who are the true sinners and morally degenerate. But bottom line - it is a debate of what is right and wrong and everybody wants to be on the side of right. [I am a lefty. If I am at the table eating next to you I would rather be at your left rather than your "right". Otherwise, there will be a lot of elbow bumping. Not that I wouldn't want to bump elbows with you. Just not the whole meal]. 

Even Paroh said חטאתי הפעם ה' הצדיק ואני ועמי הרשעים - even he spoke about right and wrong, good and evil. 

In every culture they believe, a priori, that lying is wrong. This of course doesn't stop everyone from lying... Which is the second rule: Namely that we have a battle between good and evil, right and wrong, and often fail. 

This arouses suspicion!! Who Programmed man that way???  

Stay tuned!!:-)