Thursday, January 3, 2019

Freedom To Buy What You Want

I am in the middle of Sheryl Sandberg's book "Lean In". She complains that toys companies force boys to buy "boy toys" [like super heroes] and girls to buy girl toys [like princesses wearing pink]. She laments this societal bias. 

Another proof that having a billion dollars doesn't mean that you are necessarily wise in all areas....

Like - If I go into a store and try to buy a super hero and give them my credit card, they will refuse to sell it to me until I prove that I have a little boy. And when I say "No, I am buying this for my little girl" they will refuse to sell it to me?? 


Get over it. 

They are just happy that I gave them my money because that is what makes the world go round.

And the reality is that when given the choice, the vast majority of girls go for the girlie toys and the boys go for the boy ["boyie"?] toys. I never told my kids what to play with and I have 3 and 3 [KEN AYIN HARA!!] so we have toys of both genders and SOMEHOW I never saw any of my boys with the slightest desire to brush a doll's hair and push her around in a stroller, while my girls are VERY into taking care of their "babies".