Sunday, January 13, 2019

Human Nature

The Mishna in Ksubos says that there is a fine for a husband or wife who is "rebellious" [מורד-מורדת] i.e. they refused to perform their conjugal duties. The fine for the wife is greater than the fine for  the husband. The gemara understands that this doesn't seem fair!! Why should we fine the wife more than the husband? EQUALITY!!!?? This is NOT "fine". 

The gemara's answer is critical for every kallah to know before she gets married and explains a lot about this world.

אמר ליה ר' חייא בר יוסף לשמואל מה בין מורד למורדת? אמר ליה צא ולמד משוק של זונות מי שוכר את מי?!

 Rabbi Ḥiyya bar Yosef said to Shmuel: What is the reason for the difference in halacha between a rebellious man and a rebellious woman? [According to all opinions, a rebellious wife’s fine is greater than that of a rebellious husband.] He said to him: Go and learn from the market of prostitutes. Who hires whose services? [Clearly, a man suffers more from lack of sexual intercourse, and therefore the penalty for a rebellious wife is greater.]

A lot changed in the last 1,500 years since this gemara was written. Human nature hasn't.