Sunday, January 6, 2019

Reform Or Like An Idolator

There is an outspoken woman on the Israeli scene who is the daughter of a gadol bi-yisrael but has placed herself as anti-Torah-establishment and says things that might classify her in the category of "heretic". If not - she is certainly faaar away from the Torah view on numerous issues. Recently, someone wrote about her that she is "reform" and other choice adjectives. She didn't like that so she sued him 300 thousand shekel for libel.

He publicly apologized and explained that when he wrote it he was suffering from insomnia etc. and that he takes it back. She refused to accept his apology. So I won't say that she is reform [I don't have an extra 300k] but here is what the RAMBAM [Teshuva 2-9] says about people who are unforgiving. 

אסור לאדם להיות אכזרי ולא יתפייס, אלא יהא נוח לרצות וקשה לכעוס. ובשעה שמבקש ממנו החוטא למחול, מוחל בלב שלם ובנפש חפיצה, ואפילו הצר לו וחטא לו הרבה, לא יקום ולא יטור.

וזהו דרכם של זרע ישראל ולבם הנכון. אבל העובדי כוכבים ערלי לב אינן כן, אלא "ועברתן שמרה נצח" (עמוס א, יא). וכן הוא אומר על הגבעונים לפי שלא מחלו ולא נתפייסו, "והגבעונים לא מבני ישראל המה" (שמואל ב כא, ב).

Let her sue the Rambam.....