Thursday, August 20, 2020

Cognito Ergo Sum

Someone was once telling the famous Philosophy professor and wit Sidney Morgenbesser, that he is so busy he doesn't even know if he exists. Morgenbesser responded "Think a little". 


Another time someone was explaining how a double negative can be a positive but a double positive is never a negative. Morgenbesser immediately said dismissively "yeah yeah". 


He was was hit over the head at a demonstration. He was asked if it was unjust and unfair. He said that it was unjust but it was fair b/c everybody else got hit in the head as well. 


A student once said "I don't understand". He shot back "why should you have an advantage over me?"


He noticed a Columbia faculty member who was trying to obscure his Jewishness. He said "Your motto is incognito ergo sum".


In the 1970′s, a student of Maoist inclination asked him if he disagreed with Chairman Mao’s saying that a proposition can be true and false at the same time. Dr. Morgenbesser replied, “I do and I don’t.”


In response to Heidegger’s ontological query “Why is there something rather than nothing?” Morgenbesser answered “If there were nothing you’d still be complaining!”


When asked his opinion of the philosophy of pragmatism, Morgenbesser said, “It’s all very well in theory but it doesn’t work in practice.”


He said to B.F. Skinner, “Let me get this straight: Your objection to traditional psychology is that it anthropomorphizes human beings?”


He was furious at one of his philosophical colleagues for suggesting that religion was nothing but a palliative, a placebo. “The Lubavitcher Rebbe,” he thundered, “has more anguish in one night than you’ll have in your entire life.”