Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Paradoxes And Their Lessons

There are so many paradoxes in this world. Here are a few.  

1] The great number or rabbonim and wonderful parents who have kids that go OTD. 

Lessons: There is only so much parents can do. Don't blame. Human beings are complex. Just b/c you set a good example doesn't mean it will be followed. Daven!!  

2] The great number of mental health professionals who have children who have serious mental health issues. 

Lessons: More or less ditto the last one.

3] That the side effects of anti-depressants [at the beginning] are that they make people anxious and depressed. 

Lessons: Thank Hashem if you don't need them. If you do - appreciate the gift of a pill that can eventually [w/ abt. 90 percent success] makes you feel better. Until quite recently there was no such thing!

4] Couples who live together before marriage have a divorce rate 33 percent higher than those who don't [according to at least one study]. 

Lesson: Until you commit it is not for real.

5] The Pursuit of Happiness makes you unhappy

Lessons: Focus on being good, doing good, actualizing your potential and living for eternity and eternal values. Happiness will be the by-product. 

6] Social media disconnects us from each other

Lesson: Connect to people in person.  

7] The only certainty is uncertainty

Lesson: So let go and let G-d. 

8] The more choices we have, the harder it is to choose

Lesson: Sometimes blessings are curses and vice versa.