― Barack Obama
--- Donald Trump at his inauguration
This basically encapsulates the difference in the philosophy of the two Presidents and the two parties. Democrats - universalism, love for all people, open borders etc. etc.
Republicans - USA first, strict immigration policies, suspicion towards foreigners [particularly those from countries where they speak with a lot of guttural sounds and wear headscarves and pray 5 times a day on carpets].
Who is right?
They are BOTH right.
We care for all people but really need to take care of our own needs first, even at the expense of others. As we see in Halacha - your life and that of those close to you come first.
Avraham - First he was אב-רם - the father of ארם. Then he was אברהם - אב המון גויים - The father of ALL nations. But at the end of the day - his first concern was the Jewish people - listen here.