Thursday, July 29, 2021

BLM VS. BMG !!!!!!!!!!!

Black Lives Matter is giving a Rhode Island senator an ultimatum to cut all ties with a controversial country club accused of only admitting white people — even though he has already denied being a member.

BLM Rhode Island told WLNE that Democrat Sheldon Whitehouse has until next Friday to either resign, change his name to Blackhouse or cut ties with Newport-based Bailey’s Beach Club — or it will make his life miserable, the station said.

“We’ll go to his club, we’ll go to his office, we’ll go to his home, we'll go to his shower — wherever we need to go,” one of the chapter’s directors, Mark Fisher, vowed.

“This is an issue that’s not going to go away and Senator Whitehouse needs to address it, he needs to take it on,” Fisher said.

The threat comes more than a month after the state’s junior senator denied being a member of the controversial club, and insisted it was not his place to force family members to quit.

Bailey’s Beach Club also dismissed as “inaccurate and false” the characterization that its private membership was “all-white.”

“Over many years, Club members and their families have included people of many racial, religious, and ethnic backgrounds,” the club told the Providence Journal, saying it included a “diversity of view and background.”

Yet BLM insisted Whitehouse’s denial was not enough to stop planned protests.

“If he thinks we’re just going to forget about it, if he thinks that it’s going to get swept under the rug — it’s not,” Fisher told WLNE.


In related news, BLM threatened the Beis Medrash Hagadol [BMG] in Lakewood, New Jersey that either they start hiring black Rabbeim [Talmud teachers] and that a minimum of 25 percent of all new students are black, or they will sue and make the lives of the staff and students miserable.  "We will go to the Beis Medrash, we will go to the mikva, we will go to the felafel store. We will go wherever we need to go," vowed Mark Fisher [without even saying בלי נדר!!!]. He added that it is a gross injustice that there are no female students or faculty either. Not to mention transgender. "Unless we see some black [or at least brown or dark blue] women in this institution besides secretaries and cooks - we will give them no rest. They are a homophobic, racist, misogynist, anti-semitic group. It is intolerable. This cannot be swept under the rug like little crumbs of Hametz."     

Rabbi Aaron Kotler, the CEO of BMG released a statement [from his kosher, filtered smartphone] that "the Yeshiva respects people of all races, colors, religious denominations, genders and political affiliations - even fans of the New England Patriots. We deeply believe that Black Lives Matter because all men, women and gender fluid people were created in the image of God. Even Caitlyn [formerly Bruce] Jenner. The wife of our greatest prophet Moses was a black woman and many of our daughters are named in her honor. In my house we don't use the word shvartze. Even though Jackie Mason did and got away with it [he died of natural causes and not because someone killed him for being a white supremacist]. We instead call black people "our brothers and sisters, honored Children of Ham". Not like "Green Eggs And Ham" but Ham rhyming with palm and the "H" pronounced with the Hebrew "Ch". 

All of our students and faculty are REQUIRED to wear BLACK hats and dark suits. Also, our holy phylacteries [tefillin] MUST be black. Any student found with phylacteries of any other color is EXPELLED".

Kotler added that the civil rights marches in the 1960's were lead by rabbis and the Yeshiva "BMG" trains future rabbis who will surely be racially sensitive.