Sunday, July 18, 2021


Did you see the Netflix series about the guy who grew up in Berkeley, achieved success, but sought spirituality- ultimately finding happiness by reconnecting to his traditional Jewish roots and community? No? 
Cuz balanced, respectful Jewish content is off brand for them.

Have you seen that powerful Netflix documentary about the religiously oppressed woman who leaves her community, throws off her hijab, and claims her freedom? 
Cuz they don’t make those. 
They wouldn’t dare.


Did you see the Netflix documentary about the woman who grew up frum but then decided she didn't want to have to wear clothing in public anymore so she divorced her husband, disrobed, inspired her children to go OTD and married a Goy?

I didn't and I hope you didn't either. 

B/c it is downright OPPRESSIVE to have to wear clothing and live based on a moral code!!!