Monday, October 31, 2022

Election Thoughts

Why doesn't the news outlets quote what actors said in movies? B/c everybody understands that it is all an act, a show, and they are just saying what they memorized from the script in order to entertain people so that they will become rich and famous.

Politicians don't necessarily say publicly what they are really thinking. They say what they want people to hear in order that they should have wealth, power, fame and adoration. Just like actors. [Do you think Joe Biden is as frank and honest with the press as he is when he is alone with Jill and his close advisors??] Yet, the press and general population take what they say awfully seriously and endless articles and comments are written daily about statements of politicians.  

A wonder. 

Politicians make promises. But there is no accountability. They can lie through their teeth and nothing will happen to them. [remember George Bush's "no new taxes" gaffe. And a very recent story of an Israeli politician who lied through his teeth to get elected and then did the opposite by making a pact with our sworn enemies]. Once they are in office, they are in and it is very hard to get them out. Yet, people take politicians promises very seriously. 

Another wonder. 

So of course one should vote [unless he is a Satmar chossid or under 18. Or a Satmar chossid who is also under 18] in the Israeli elections. But to remember that Hashem runs the world and every politician is a human being and every human being has self interests, biases and is very limited in his capacities. 

Talking about politics and elections has no practical benefit and is mere time wasting and word wasting [a very serious infraction according to Pnimiyus HaTorah] endeavor. If a political issue has Halachic and spiritual ramifications and the discussion is a Torah-centered one then of course it is a different story. But not to pay much heed to what these people say. The level of discourse and behavior in the Knesset make many second grade classrooms seem adult and mature. 

Rebbi Akiva Eiger and the Maharal and countless other Gedolei Yisrael have FAAAAAAR more important and profound things to say than any politician.